Thursday, July 25, 2019

My Art: A series of four cards using Spellbinders Dies

My card box is full, so I have been trying my hand at some more time-consuming cards, like using several of my many dies.

This first one involved copying the card that came as an example on the package:

It was easy enough to recreate, so I decided to use the other fruit and vegetable die sets:

It was a lot of fun to stretch my creative muscles to make these cards that required a little more effort and thought.


  1. Those are really cute dies, and you've created some charming cards with them. Thanks so much for your visit and lovely comment.
    Alison x

    1. I enjoy your style, butterfly! Thank you for stopping by!

  2. These are so fun! I like the faces you put on the peas :)

    1. I put the faces on the peas after I scanned it for my blog post. They are cute now, though. Thanks for the comment!
