Thursday, May 24, 2018

Fonda's Fabulous Funday Finds #10

Today's finds take us to the Fancy Flea II, so I guess we could call today's post Fonda's Fabulous Funday Finds at the Fancy Flea II. How's that for alliteration!?! My college education was not for naught!

Anyway... Here's what we found:

10 mullions.
We plan to use these on the walls of our bedroom to create a design. We'll see how they turn out. It will be awhile.

Domed plate.
 I suspect these two pieces were married at one time. One reason is the price going from $18 down to $5, and another reason being that the theme of the etching is not carried into the dome. It's good enough for me, though. I'll find something to put under the dome!

McCoy planters.
 Isn't the color gorgeous on these two planters!?! I want to use them in the living room, so you might see them when I reveal the completed living room. I am worried about the cats knocking them over, though. I'll have to find a good and sturdy place to display them against the pink living room!

Modern round two-tiered table with glass top.
 When we first saw this table, we loved it. I can't remember the exact price, but I think it was way over the amount we were willing to spend. Something tells me it was over $100. We thought about it and kept it in mind. On this visit, it was in the large out building where reduced items go to die. I just needed to say that, because I'm not sure what the purpose is of this building. All I can say is that it wasn't in with the regular booths. So, on this visit, it was marked down to, I think, $60. We were happy to see it, so we scarfed it up and put it in the car. When we got it home, it didn't work as I had intended. It was too tall to be a coffee table, so it may work in a different role. I still have time to decide.

On this day, we also went to what I call the Red Barn. Although we pass it frequently, I couldn't tell you the name of it. It's on Main Street in Shallotte, NC. We found lots of goodies.

In the forefront are sewing supplies, a small creamer with forget-me-knot flowers on it, red crochet thread, a darning egg, a pattern, tassels, a bird book, a knife, a box of utility knife blades and a plastic bag full of various kinds of clothespins.
 I love the little creamer. I think I'll be putting it our guest room with little flowers in it.

In the back left are these candle holders with a clip so they will stay upright on a tree, although I would not recommend lighting them!

My friend, Donna of Distressed Donna Downhome, told me what these are, and I forgot!
 Here's what they are like: The metal parts have some writing on them. They seem to have started out round and flat, then they were rolled up with one end being wider than the other. In the narrower end, there is a decorative rope. From what Donna had told me, I am thinking that these ropes were longer and were hanging from something. They intrigued me. That's why I have them. If anyone could tell me what these are, I'd appreciate it!

Where I show off:
Create, Bake, Grow & Gather Party #316
Share Your Cup #291  

From McCoy to mullions ...and everything in between...


  1. The McCoy pottery is my favorite of your finds. That color is so pretty. So I'll have to wait for Donna to tell us what those things are because I sure don't know!!!

    1. Those were both McCoy pieces! I would never have guessed the rounded, more modern-looking one was! But, the color was right, so it came home with me!

      Thanks for visiting, Linda!

  2. Some great finds! I especially love the planters. The color is just gorgeous!! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

    1. Thank you for stopping by, Jann. I've been out of commission, so there's a blog update if you're interested.

  3. These are fun! The table ow lives next to the guest bed in the Sweet room (at least for the moment :)

    1. I think the round table will stay there! Maybe... Thanks for stopping by!
