Wednesday, February 10, 2021

I'm absent again... right shoulder blade and neck are still giving me grief. It isn't as bad as it was, but it's still there and bothers me. It's still a stabbing pain that catches when I least expect it.

On top of this, my wife, Katie, is going back into the hospital for yet another debridement of her hip wound. To refresh, on 12/21/20, she had a hip replacement which went well. On 1/25/21, she developed an infection and she went back into the hospital for debridement and placement of antibiotic "seeds" along with IV antibiotics for a couple of weeks. Tomorrow, 2/11/21, she will go in again to have the antibiotic "seeds" removed along with another debridement. She should be in the hospital just overnight for this one. Each surgery has been less and less invasive. Hopefully, this will be the last surgery for this problem.

So, along with my condition, I will be tending to Katie's condition. I'll spend the day with Katie in the hospital tomorrow and hopefully pick her up on Friday to come home.

Wish us luck, and send some positive energy our way. I hope to be back creating again soon.


  1. Oh my goodness girlie, you have your hands full. Know that our thoughts and prayers are with you both......take care and remain positive.

    1. Thanks, Christine. It's got to stop sometime, right?
