Wednesday, October 9, 2019

WOYWW: What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 540

I've made some changes. My desk is rather clear, and it's because I am re-evaluating the kind and number of challenges in which I participate. It isn't easy to pick and choose, because the challenges change weekly, bi-weekly or even monthly. I can't do them all, even though I think I could. I need to take a breather. So, the way for me to do that is to start over. Here's my desk:

This is Tangerine, Tangy for short. I still have a few thing to put away.

This is on the floor to my left while sitting. The box on the left are my collection of adhesives, and the box on the right holds some supplies I was using. Those supplies need to be put in their rightful spot.

This is on the floor to my right. On the left are paper tablets, a scoring tool and my Misti. On the right are packages of papers I need to put away. In the middle are my scraps. The more creative I am, the more and more I fill it, but I also use some scraps -- as long as they're near the top. I really need to go through that!

As I mentioned, there are things that need to be put away. That will take some time. For example, I have to organize all of the dies in order to have them all fit in their space. I think I have way too many, and I'm not sure how I can keep track of what I have. I won't be buying more anytime soon. I also have to box away some stamps, which are quite organized. I hope I don't run out of room in those boxes!

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What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 540 

Monday, October 7, 2019

Autumn Squirrel

When the squirrels begin to hide their acorns and the oak tree leaves turn brown, that is when Autumn is here in no uncertain terms. Luckily, we haven't noticed that in our neck of the woods, but it's happening further north, I'm sure. I heard someone in the Twin Cities, MN mention the "S" word. Yep! That's the forecast for the end of this week. Here in southeastern North Carolina, I think we have some time.

Along the left edge of the A2 card blank, I stamped (Hero Arts) the oak leaf in Distress Inks Gathered Twigs. I also stamped (again, Hero Arts) "Autumn" at the bottom. I placed the squirrel, whose parts were die cut (Karen Burniston), right above the sentiment.

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Addicted to CAS: Addicted to CAS Challenge #169 - Creature

Crafty Cardmakers: #242 Add A Critter

Dare 2 B Artzy: October Challenge: Cute Animals

Sweet Stampin' ~ Animals

Try it on Tuesday: Animal Magic

Pumpkin Patch

This is also an attempt at coloring a digital stamp. I don't like the way it came out, but I'll try it with colored pencils next time. I think I lack the skills and tools to make it stunning, so I'll settle for just okay this time.

I printed out the digital stamp and colored it in using my markers.

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Let's Craft and Create: Challenge #152 - AG + Option COLORS OF FALL 

Make My Monday: Challenge #106 Autumn  

DL.ART OCTOBER 2019 Linky Challenge 

Inspired By.... truckload of fall  

Sunday, October 6, 2019


This is my first experience working with digital stamps. I don't think I color well enough, or have the correct tools, to make them look nice. Next time, instead of using markers, I'll try colored pencils. So, let's consider this an experiment.

I printed out the images making each smaller than the other. Then, I colored them using markers. Next, I stamped the sentiment (Altenew). 

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Inspired By.... truckload of fall  

DL.ART Thankful Thursday Challenge #248 "FALL"  

DL.ART OCTOBER 2019 Linky Challenge: Anything Goes 

Make My Monday: Challenge #106 Autumn  

Let's Craft and Create: Challenge #152 - AG + Option COLORS OF FALL 

The Male Room: Challenge #121 - Stay CAS  

Freshly Made Sketches: Freshly Made Sketches #405 

You Make My World Sparkle

The challenge said to use an object from nature. I did! I used a Maple seed that I had used gold embossing powder on years ago.

This is an A-2 white card blank. I first stamped the Maple leaf (Hero Arts) using Distress Ink Dried Marigold. Then, I lined up the first part of the sentiment (Ellen Hutson) to curl around the seed. Next, I glued the seed down. Finally, I stamped the word "Sparkle" in Versafine Onyx Black.

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Modsquad Challenge Blog: Back to Nature 

The Male Room: Challenge #121 - Stay CAS 

DL.ART Thankful Thursday Challenge #248 "FALL"  

Make My Monday: Challenge #106 Autumn 

Let's Craft and Create: Challenge #152 - AG + Option COLORS OF FALL 

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Today is a Good Day to Sparkle

It's always a good day to sparkle! This set, from Ellen Hutson, consists of stamps and a die. I bent the stamp to make it wavy, and I die cut "Sparkle" out of mirrored silver card stock. I added a few sequins, so the card would really sparkle.

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Less is More: Challenge #405 - Recipe - We Pick, You Pick

The Creative Crafters: CHALLENGE #20 [Anything Goes] 

Addicted to Stamps and More: Challenge #361 Anything Goes  

For my Granddaughter's Wedding

Well, the time has finally come. One of my granddaughters is getting married, so a card is in order. I like the way the white looks on the black card.

 I stamped the images (Stampin' Up). Simple. Sweet. Special.

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Moving Along with the Times: Challenge 107 and Winners of Challenge 106 


Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Critter or Creature?

I've had this stamp for quite awhile, and it still amuses me!

This card fits in a regular small letter envelope. First, I stamped this cute little animal (All Night Media). Then, I water colored the green part using Distress Inks Twisted Citron. Next, I used markers to color in the rest. Finally, I placed a piece of washi tape to ground the skating critter/creature.

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Crafty Cardmakers: #242 Add A Critter  

Addicted to CAS Challenge #169 - Creature  

The Artistic Stamper Creative Team Blog: October's Creative Challenge - Music  

Think Pink

I made this card using a prompt to follow page 12 of the current Stampin' Up! catalogue. I really appreciated the pink one in the bottom right-hand corner (see below).

Here's how I made the card:

I started by cutting the card to fit in a small letter-sized envelope, making sure to leave about 3/8" of the inside exposed at the bottom. Then, using white pigment ink, I stamped a design (The Stamp Mill) all over for the background. Next, I stamped the sentiment (Stampin' Up!) in Versafine Black Onyx ink on white paper and cut it to the appropriate dimension. After that, I tucked some crocheted lace behind and used foam tape to adhere it to the card.

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TGIF Challenges: #TGIFC231 Inspiration Challenge 

The Creative Crafters: CHALLENGE #20  

Addicted to Stamps and More: Challenge #361 Anything Goes 

A Sunflower for Mom

My mother, who has dementia, loves sunflowers. I'll be sending this card to her!

I stamped the image (Rubber Stampede) with Versafine Onyx Black on Bristol paper because it would accept a little dampness. I water colored the Sunflower using the appropriate Distress Inks colors: Scattered Straw, Walnut Stain, Mowed Lawn and Faded Denim.

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Just Us Girls #507 - Photo Week  

Addicted to Stamps and More: Challenge #361 Anything Goes 

Mix it Up Challenge Blog: MIUCB #30 - Anything Goes + Open Technique 

Sunday Stamps: SSC214 Time to Get Sketchy 

The Creative Crafters: CHALLENGE #20 [Anything Goes] 

WOYWW: What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 539

Not much has changed. I still haven't put away my clean stamps, and I have dirty just about the same amount. Another thing: I haven't been as productive.

The last thing I did was make the ATC for my swap group.

There are still boxes under the table, but I have added stamp sets to the top.

Same here...just getting taller.

It's time to get back to doing challenges.

Now, I'm off to see how the others in the group have done. 

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Stamping Ground: What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 539  

Sunday, September 29, 2019

From the heart...

I like to make simple cards, and this is one of them.

I started with a kraft-colored card blank. I stamped the sentiment first, then the flowers (both Stampin' Up!). I colored in the flowers using a white colored pencil. I adhered the strip of burlap to offset the flowers from the sentiment.

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Modsquad Challenge: A Time For Giving 

Through the Craft Room Door: TTCRD anything goes challenge week starting the 23rd September  

Perfectly CAS: Challenge #1 - Flowers 


Time Spent With Friends...

I love the sentiment on this card.

I stamped all of the images (Stampin' Up!), then I colored them in using colored pencils.

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The Sisterhood of Crafters: Friendship is the Greatest Gift 

Modsquad Challenge Blog: A Time For Giving

Through the Craft Room Door: TTCRD anything goes challenge week starting the 23rd September  

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

WOYWW: What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 538

I still have a bunch of stuff on my desk. I can't see that changing, as long as there are challenges to be met!

This is the top of my desk where I am surrounded by just about anything I might need.

This is underneath the desk where they have been for weeks waiting for me to put my previously-used, now-clean stamps away. 

These little towers seem to be growing!

This tower has maxed out. Time to put those stamps and other supplies away. Will it happen this week? Dunno!

Thanks to my fellow deskies for checking out my mess! Now, I'm going to check out theirs. 

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Stamping Ground: What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 538 

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

A Tree, Some Leaves and an Acorn

I'm still making Autumn cards using Bo Bunny's Beautifully Brisk 6" by 6" pad of paper. It's gorgeous.

The tree and the word Autumn are from Hero Arts. "Autumn" is heat embossed with Ranger Adirondack embossing powder. 

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Inspired By.... L is for [Leaves] 

Cardz 4 Galz: Challenge #105 Welcome Autumn/Fall  

Allsorts Challenge: Week 538 - Trees and Leaves  

Crafting Happiness: Challenge #15: Autumn/Fall 

CAD Colors and Sketches: Challenge #340 - Sketch 



Sunday, September 22, 2019

Happy Halloween

I another 5 weeks, fall will be in full swing, and for those who do, Halloween will be celebrated. Spooks. Ghosts. Creepy things, like screeching crows and spider webs, will decorate our homes. So, with that in mind, I made a card!

This card was simple to make. I chose an A2 card blank in orange. First, I stamped the crow (100 Proof Press). Then, I measured out the first two papers and cut them at a pleasing length. For the last one, I stamped a spider web (Inkadinkado) and cut away most of it. I adhered all three to the card.

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Addicted to Stamps and More: Challenge #359 - CAS [Clean And Simple] 

Freshly Made Sketches: #403 - A Sketch by Narelle 

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Autumn 8

I like making fall cards. I have some great designer paper (Bo Bunny), plenty of fall-colored card stock and embossing folders and other tools. This time is a great time of the year. Finally, we can turn off the air conditioner and open the doors and windows. And, I can make cards and other pieces of art!

How I made this card:

First, I ran some manila paper through my Big Kick with the embossing folder (Cuttlebug: Leafy Branch ). I chose to use only a portion, so I cut the paper down beforehand. I adhered that panel to a dark brown piece of card stock. Then, I cut an A2-sized card out of a golden yellow card stock. After that, I adhered the paper with leaves on it to the card blank. Next, I adhered the panel to the card blank artistically off center.

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Inspired By.... L is for  

The Sisterhood of Crafters: Embossing (Wet or Dry) 

Crafty Cardmakers: #241 Autumn Colours 

Allsorts Challenge: Week 538 - Trees and Leaves 


Happy Birthday, Katie

Katie's birthday is tomorrow. If you asked her, she would say something like 1 hour 37 minutes and 11 seconds! She would be more correct. And, it isn't any ordinary birthday. No siree! She'll be 50! And, here's the tiny card I made for her. I don't know how I'm going to sign my name, let alone the five cats. We'll do it somehow!

First, I made the tag using the tag and number dies that came with the T!m Holtz Sidekick. Then, I cut some recycled sari yard and threaded it through the hole. After that, I stamped "happy birthday" (Stampin' Up!) and glued it diagonally to the tag. Next, I adhered the tag to a small card. Finally, I stamped the sentiment (also from Stampin' Up!) inside.

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Seize the Birthday: # 174-It's Just a Number  

Friday, September 20, 2019

Sparkling Dove

I enjoyed making this card. For a tiny bit of work, the results are heavenly.

Obviously, I let my tools do the work for me. The tools I used are a die (Sizzix: Bird #2) and the bonus embossing folder, which was included. First, I cut the bird shape using the die, then I put the shape into the embossing folder and ran that through my Big Shot. After that, I adhered the clear gems where indented dots shown in the embossing, most notably at the neck, rear and a spot on the wing.

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International Art & Soul: Ch#67 Things With Wings  

The Sisterhood of Crafters: Embossing (Wet or Dry)

The House that Stamps Built: Tic-Tac-Toe Challenge ~ S1119 

Autumn 7

The temperatures have decreased here in southeastern North Carolina. We're only in the high 70s during the day and lower than that at night. It's good lawn-mowing weather! That's the chore to take care of tomorrow. So, I guess, this is our taste of fall. I've heard that the temperatures will rise again, but for now, let's think Autumn!

This is a little bitty of a card measuring 4 1/2" square. I started with a dark brown card blank. Then, I used scraps to create the horizontal strips, stamping (Hero Arts) one with the word "Autumn". After that, I die cut (Memory Box: Scribble Leafy Branch Outline) the sprig of leaves and adhered it alongside the 3 strips of decorative paper.

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AAA Cards: CAS Game #149 - Up to One Third + Optional Twist An Inlaid Die 

Cardz 4 Galz: Challenge #105 Welcome Autumn/Fall

Addicted to Stamps and More: Challenge #359 - CAS

Freshly Made Sketches: Freshly Made Sketches #403


Through the Craft Room Door: TTCRD anything goes challenge week starting the 17th September 

Crafty Cardmakers: #241 Autumn Colours 


Thursday, September 19, 2019

It's Good to Have an End...

I've always loved the saying on the stamp I used on this bookmark.

How I made this bookmark:

First, I used Distress Ink Tumbled Glass as a watercolor and painted it on Bristol paper. It's heavy enough for wet applications and doesn't warp too badly. Next, I stamped the sentiment (Stampers Anonymous) in Faded Jeans. Luckily, I got it centered well enough so I didn't need to trim it. Then, I adhered that panel onto dark blue card stock. Finally, I cut a length of ribbon, trimmed the ends and stapled it to the bookmark.

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Double "D" Challenges: Focus on the Sentiment  

Less is More: Challenge #404 - Typography  

Craft Rocket Challenges: Challenge #63 - September 2019 - Monochrome 

Simon Says: Monday Challenge - Monochrome 

Pearly Sparkles Challenge Blog: Challenge #44 Add a Ribbon and/or Bow  

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Dragonfly: Clean and Simple

What does one do when one wants to have a clean and simple (CAS) card but wants to use a huge stamp? Easy. Only stamp about half of it! Our minds fill in what's missing.

How I made this card:

First, I chose a 5"-square card blank. Then, I stamped the dragonfly (Rubber Monger) with Versafine Onyx black ink. After that, I stamped the Chinese coin (Just For Fun) in Versamark and embossed it with gold. Next, I colored in the dragonfly using Twinkling H2Os in Teal Zircon for the body and Summer Breeze for the wings. The shimmer doesn't show up in the scan, but it's there.

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Addicted to Stamps and More: Challenge #359 - CAS  

International Art & Soul: Ch#67 Things With Wings 

AAA Cards: CAS Game #149 - Up to One Third + Optional Twist An Inlaid Die 

The House That Stamps Built: Tic-Tac-Toe Challenge ~ S1119 

CASology: Week 352: DRAGONFLY  

Through the Craft Room Door: TTCRD anything goes challenge week starting the 17th September 

What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 537

Another week has passed, and my desk is cleaner! I finally cleaned all the stamps, but they are sitting by the sink in the en suite. I have yet to put them away. That's why the many shoe boxes are still and under!

All of the Distress Ink pads are still out, because I'm still using them! Look!!! I actually have space to work! That tag with the butterflies is something I finished up a couple of hours ago.

This is a stack of boxes that house some of my stamps. When I get ready to put the clean stamps away, they will go into these boxes and the boxes get put on the shelf.

These boxes are under the table. Some clean stamps will go into these, also.

I can finally breathe in my craft space. I think I'll be putting the clean stamps away tomorrow, because I'm sure my sweetie would appreciate it since I'm using "her" bathroom! 

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Stamping Ground: What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 537  

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Butterfly Bookmark

I decided not to make this into a card. Instead, it stands as is to be used as a bookmark. 

I don't have much experience in using stencils and embossing paste. I think it turned out pretty well, and I hope to learn more about this technique.

How I made this bookmark:

I started with a piece of watercolor paper. It's heavy and thick, and it won't usually warp when using wet media. I used a stencil (T!m Holtz) and pushed embossing paste through it. I let it dry for a few days, not knowing what to do next. Then, I used Distress Inks Seedless Preserves and Dusty Concord as watercolor and painted the entire panel, letting it puddle in places for interest. After that was dry, I inked up the background stamp (Stampa Rosa) with Versafine Onyx and stamped it three times to cover the entire panel. Next, I adhered it to a purple panel of card stock. I used the same color of card stock to stamp the butterflies (Embossing Arts), and cut them out. Then, I glued them to the watercolored panel. Finally, I used a hole punch and threaded several lengths of yarn into it and tied it off.

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Craft Stamper: Take It Make It Challenge: September: Anything Goes 

Craft Rocket Challenges: Challenge #63 - September 2019 - Monochrome  

International Art & Soul: Ch#67 Things With Wings 

Allsorts Challenge: Week 537 - Anything Goes with a Twist  

Simon Says: Monochrome 

The Funkie Junkie Boutique Blog: Terrific Tags  


Be with Those...

This is the kind of message I want to send out into the world. So many times, we keep the wrong people in our lives, be it out of love, or fear, or familiarity. Facebook has "unfriend" for a good reason.

I used Distress Ink Shaded Lilac as a water color paint and swished it onto the center of Bristol paper and let it dry for a day. Then, I stamped the sentiment (Hampton Arts) in Versafine Onyx Black. I found that Stampin' Up!'s Almost Amethyst card stock goes well with this ink, so I used it as an A2 card blank.

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AAA Cards: CAS Game #149 - Up to One Third + Optional Twist An Inlaid Die  

Allsorts Challenge: Week 537 - Anything Goes with a Twist  

Less is More: Challenge #404 - Typography 

Oh Happy Day

I am new to using stencils, both with paste and pouncing on with paint.

I scan in my cards to share, and these colors turned out wrong! The A2 card blank is a brighter orange, and the background writing (Stampa Rosa) and the featured sentiment (Studio G) are stamped in Distress Inks Ripe Persimmon, which match the card blank. 

How I made this:

First, I cut a panel of water color paper. Then, I used paste and a stencil (T!m Holtz) featuring "+" signs. It sat for awhile to dry, then it sat for awhile because I didn't know what to do next. Finally, I just decided to play, and this is what I came up with. I used Picked Raspberry as a water color and painted it all over the panel. Then, it sat for awhile again. I decided to use the background stamp to see what it would look like. I liked the look and the color. But, it needed something more, so I stamped the sentiment on white card stock and adhered it to the panel. Finally, I adhered the panel to the card blank, and I am pleased with the outcome for the most part.

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AAA Birthday: Game #5 - Use A Stencil

Allsorts Challenge: Week 537 - Anything Goes with a Twist

Monday, September 16, 2019

Happy Birthday 3

The theme for this card is Monochrome, which matches 3 challenges.

This card is pretty self-explanatory. I snipped the corners of the sentiment (Hero Arts) panel with special scissors that I've had for some time. The embellishment is a piece of corrugated paper cut into a circle, and I cut the small black circle with a die and my die-cutting machine. I made two slits and thread in some kraft-colored twine. I glued that down to the card front.

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Simon Says: Monochrome 

Rainbow Card Challenge: Challege #9: Beautiful Brown 

Craft Rocket Challenges: Challenge #63 - September 2019 - Monochrome  

TGIF Challenges: #TGIFC229 Sketch Challenge  

Happy Birthday 2

I used a stencil on this birthday card. It is a small stencil by Tim Holtz and consists of small "x"s.

Here's how I made it:

First, I chose an A2-sized card blank in manila. Then, starting on the right, I used Distress Ink Tumbled Glass. After that, I changed to Picked Raspberry, and stenciled most of the body of the card. Then, on the left, I switched back to Tumbled Glass. Where the two colors overlap, it looks purple. Next, I stamped the cupcake image (Inkadinkado), cut it out and adhered it to the card front. Finally, I added Scattered Straw Stickles to the flame area of the candle and let it dry.

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AAA Birthday: Game #5 - Use A Stencil  

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Autumn 6

I still am enjoying playing with Bo Bunny's Autumn papers!

"Autumn" is a Hero Arts stamp.

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Inspired By... signs of fall  

FUSION - Autumn