Friday, September 4, 2020

Autumn Pear

This is a top-folding, A2-sized card. I started by cutting the pink card stock 4" by 5 1/4". Then, I inked up the solid pear (A Stamp in the Hand) with Distress Oxide Twisted Citron and set it aside. Then, I inked a portion of a word background stamp (Stampin' Up!) with Frayed Burlap and laid it down inked side up on the table. I took the pear stamp and "kissed" it to the word stamp, which created an image on the pear. Then, I stamped the pear on the pink paper. After that, I adhered the pink panel to Soft Suede, the taupe-colored card base.

I'm sharing this with:

Inspired By...tasty autumn 

LTCCB #50 - September Anything Goes 

Country View Challenges - September 2020 - Complimentary Colours  

#TGIF280 Color Challenge 


SplitCoast Stampers for no apparent reason


  1. Looks great, love how you were inspired!

  2. Beautiful pear, love your script kissing technique, it is so elegant and delicious looking! Thank you for inspiring us this week @ IB, two beautiful cards for Autumn!!

  3. Love the kissing technique with the pear! It's got such a cool vintage look. Thanks for joining TGIF Challenges this week.

  4. A lovely image and card. Thanks for joining our complimentary colours September challenge over at Country View x

  5. Another lovely card, Fonda!
    Thank you again for playing along with our September challenge over at Country View Challenges.
    xx Evelyn
